Spacefest 2007 - Phoenix, Arizona (Mesa, Arizona)
August 2007 
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Photograph Collection
 Frank Wadsworth

Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm
Frank Wadsworth and Buzz Aldrin - Apollo 11 LMP
Charlie Duke - Apollo 16 LMP and Frank Wadsworth at Banquet
Charlie Duke - Apollo 16 LMP and Frank Wadsworth
Frank Wadsworth and Alan Bean, Apollo 12 LMP
Frank Wadsworth and Alan Bean, Apollo 12 LMP
Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 Commander and Last Man to Walk on Moon and Frank Wadsworth
Frank Wadsworth and David Scott, Apollo 15 Commander
Frank Wadsworth and David Scott, Apollo 15 Commander
Frank Wadsworth and David Scott, Apollo 15 Commander
Frank Wadsworth and Scott Carpenter, Mercury 7
Second Man to Orbit the Eart
Frank Wadsworth and Scott Carpenter, Mercury 7
Second Man to Orbit the Earth
Frank and Ed Mitchell, Apollo 14 LMP
Top: Dave Scott Ap 15: Jack Lousma Skylab 2: Charles Walker STS 4,6,7,8: Scott Carpenter Mercury 7: Rusty Schweickart Ap 9: Ed Mitchell AP 14: Buzz Aldrin AP 11: Gene Cernan Ap 17: Bottom: Burce McCandless 1st MMU-Shuttle: Alan Bean Ap 12: Charlie Duke AP 16: Walt Cunningham Ap 7 - 1st Manned Apollo
Gene Cernan Apollo 17 Commander. Last Man on the Moon. Pictured signing Jeff Hoff's speciel photo of himself pictured with the  Apollo 17 command module at the Navy Base in San Diego, CA.
Jeff Hoff and Gene Cernan - Apollo 17
Jeff Hoff and Gene Cernan - Apollo 17
Frank Wadsworth and Jeff Hoff pictured with Gene Cernan the Commander of the Apollo 17 final Moon Mission.
Frank Wadsworth and Jim Rice. 
Dr. Jim Rice is a science team member for the Mars Exploration Rover Project and works with the Mars Odyssey Project. He is with the Mars Space Flight Facility at Arizona State University
Banquet at Spacefest on Saturday
Jeff Hoff and Jim Rice and Jim's friend. Dr. Jim Rice is a science team member for the Mars Exploration Rover Project and works with the Mars Odyssey Project. He is with the Mars Space Flight Facility at Arizona State University
Jeff Hoff and Ray McPherson. Ray was a test pilot for Boeing.
Alan Bean the Apollo 12 Lunar Module Pilot talking to Frank Wadsworth.
Buzz Aldren the Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot. First crew to land on the Moon in 1969. Buzz signing a crew photo.
Frank showing Alan Bean, Apollo 12 LMP, a photo of Alan while on the Moon. Alan Bean talked about his experience walking on the Moon.
Apollo 16 crew that walked on the Moon. John Young and Charlie Duke.
Frank and Guess Who?
Buzz Aldrin - Apollo 11 and Gene Cernan - Apollo 17. The 2nd Man to walk on the Moon and the Last Man to walk on the Moon.
Scott Carpenter Mercury 7 - Jeff Hoff- Alan Bean Apollo 12
Frank Wadsworth and Paul Calle. Paul was picked for NASA's Fine Art Program. In 1969 he was selected as the only artist allowed to shadow the Apollo 11 crew on the morning of their historic launch. Paul designed the 10 cent Moon Landing Airmail Stamp of 1969.
Walt Cunningham - Apollo 9 and Frank Wadsworth
Arizona Desert - Jeff Hoff
Arizona Desert - Frank
Arizona Desert
Arizona Desert - Frank Wadsworth
Arizona Desert - Frank Wadsworth
Dr. Carolyn Porco - the Saturn Cassini Project team leader and Gene Cernan - Apollo 17 Commander and last man to walk on the Moon.
Dr. Carolyn Porco - the Saturn Cassini Project team leader  pictured with Jeff Hoff during the Saturday Banquet.
Marshall Space Flight Center 1965
Building 4200 
Engineers Seated Around Dr. Wernher von Braun's Conference Table
The event, Spacefest 2007, was a three day event. Starting on Friday 17th, 2007 and ending that Sunday. It was a three day program for all flavors of space enthusiasts, from seasoned collectors to the casually interested astronomy buff. There have only been twelve astronauts who have walked on the surface of the Moon. Of these twelve, Conrad, Shepard and Irwin have left this Earth permanently. That only leaves nine living moonwalkers. Seven of the nine were at Spacefest. the two that did not attend were Harrison Schmitt Apollo 17 and the other was Neil Armstrong Apollo 11 Commander who rarely attends any public functions such as Spacefest 2007. 
Click on Thumbnails to View Slideshow
A few of the Photographs on this site are courtesy of the 
National  Aeronautics 
and Space Administration - NASA
Any hoax believer, if they are smart, will read and view all the evidence that we did land on the Moon. If they don't want too look at any of this very convincing documentation; then move on and leave them be and know that you are the wise one. The important fact is we did land and walk on the Moon. Any educated person can look at the facts and know the truth. In the future when we return to the Moon and our future space travelers visit these historic landing sites of the Apollo era, what will they have to say to the 12 men who walked on the Moon. Probably,Nothing! By the time we return to the Moon, chances are all the Apollo astronauts who flew to the Moon will have left our world. Only 9 of the 12 Moonwalkers are living today and they are all in there mid 70's. Gene Cernan,Commander of Apollo 17, once said, "people can say and believe what they want, but I was there and the experience defies description and no one can take that away from me." Years later, Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 Commander writes, "How can you relate to what it is like to look back a quarter of a million miles at the overwhelming beauty and majesty of our plant from the Moon. It's an incredible, incredible 
experience. I like to think that it overwhelmed me. You could literally see from pole to pole, ocean to ocean, across continents. It is alive; you could watch the world mysteriously and very majestically turn on an unseen axis, and see that there were no strings holding it up. Three-dimensionally, within the endlessness of time, within the endlessness of space, was the Earth, A beautiful blue marble, dominated by the blue of the ocean and the white of the clouds. I can't show it to you, I can't hold it or put it on a screen, but I can tell you that the endlessness of space and time does exist, because I saw it with my own eyes. Try and comprehend the spirit, the sense, the felling of what that is like; just really let your imagination really go way out there. The time came when I had to ask myself if I truly realized where I was at that moment in space and time. I felt that I was at a point in my life where science had met its match." 

On the final Apollo Mission Gene Cernan, Apollo 17, stood at the foot of the Lunar Module's ladder preparing to leave the Moon and said, "As I take man's last step"  - he almost gasped - "from the surface" -- he fought to get his breath -- "And as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind."  
Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It's not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. 
-- William Jennings Bryan 
Continue to Explorer........! 

"I believe this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important in the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish."

John F. Kennedy
Special Joint Session of Congress
May 25, 1961

Apollo 11
Apollo 16
Apollo 12
Apollo 15
Apollo 14
Apollo 17
Gene Cernan - Commander Apollo 17